The Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality on Your Family
We are all aware of the pollution in the outdoor air and its impacts on our bodies. We hear about it on the news and can read about it on our phones. Still, have you ever wondered about the air quality inside your own home? We consider our homes to be safe places. It is where we can come back to kick off our shoes and let go of a stressful day. What if I told you that the quality of the air you are breathing in could be less than ideal for you and your family? Our air conditioners keep us cool during the sweltering summer months but increase the number of pollutants in our homes if not appropriately maintained.
What Causes an Air Conditioning System to Release Pollutants?
We will discuss the multitude of reasons an a/c unit can cause a decrease in indoor air quality. Running an air conditioner year after year without the proper maintenance will lead to a build-up of biological toxins. An air conditioning unit holds a significant amount of moisture inside. This moisture can lead to a harmful amount of mold.
When long-term mold exposure occurs, many will experience unpleasant symptoms. [1]
- Irritation to the eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs.
- Asthma/trouble breathing
- Allergy responses (runny nose, watery eyes, fever-like symptoms, etc.).
- Chest pains
- Nausea
Another way your air-conditioning or Mini-Split system can decrease the air quality in your home is rodents and other pests. These tiny creatures create homes in and around the a/c units. Rodents and insects leave their droppings in the pathway of the circulating air running the risk of bacteria floating around in your home.
Other pollutants include pollen and dust that accumulate in your a/c systems throughout the year. Pollen and dust can cause amplified allergies throughout the seasons. In addition, recurrent exposure to these pollutants can increase your risk of developing Asthma. The CDC states, “asthma is a chronic disease of the airways that causes recurrent and distressing episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing” [2].
Identifying whether or not you’re a/c unit needs cleaning is sometimes tricky. It is always a safe bet that you require a unit cleaning if
· It has been six months or more since your last cleaning
· There is a funky smell coming from your unit
· You have begun to experience the mild/moderate symptoms listed above
How These Toxins Affect Your Children
Poor indoor quality and environmental irritants can put children at a higher risk of developing illnesses due to their narrow bronchioles. Unfortunately, children are among the largest at-risk groups regarding air quality [3].
An infants’ immune system is not as skilled as an adult’s immune system. Due to a weaker immune response, their bodies have a more challenging time breaking down toxins that make their way into their lungs and bloodstreams. As a result, an infant cannot detoxify and excrete toxins and adults (Tamburlini et al., 2002) [4]. Without the ability to filter out toxins and irritants accumulated in the air, a build-up can occur, leading to preventable life-long illnesses and allergies.
When an a/c unit pushes out low-quality air, children are regularly exposed to poor air quality—especially infants who spend most of their early years indoors. Many parents even run air-conditioners in their little one’s rooms to improve sleep quality. But if the air quality coming from your a/c unit is poor, your child can suffer illness.
I know. This information can feel very scary. The reality of poor indoor air quality effects on children and adults is of an upsetting nature, but that is not to say that it is not preventable. So how can you ensure that you and your family remain healthy and safe all year round?
How to Prevent Poor Air Quality in Your Home
The most efficient way to ensure that your indoor air quality is in a good range is to perform A/C cleaning services. Cleaning you’re a/c unit will clear out the mold, animal waste, pollen, dust, and other microbiological irritants. In addition, a simple cleaning can prevent a harmful blockage in an a/c or Mini Split unit. This straightforward procedure can avoid the suffering of chronic illnesses and heighten discomfort from allergies.
Maintaining an a/c or Mini Split maintenance list is a simple way to prevent air quality issues. The recommended time between cleaning is a maximum of 6 months. Not going more than six months between cleanings ensures that the amount of build-up does not affect the air quality in your home.
Clearing your units of pre-existing build-up and bacteria does not have to be complicated either. With just a phone call, a Mini Split cleaning service can provide you with the services you need.
Best Mini Split Cleaning Service in the NYC Area
Let the professionals take it from here! You do not need to know how to Clean a Mini Split system yourself. Cool Clean Services, “Your Premier Ductless Cleaner,” can offer you excellent cleaning results. Cool Clean Services can clear out air-conditioning units, Mini Split systems and heating pumps.
You can let your worries of pollutants hiding away in your a/c units lay to rest with just a phone call. Cool Clean Services can provide a cleaning quote in the Long Island, Brooklyn, Queens, New York City & New York area.
Cool Clean Services is certified in both residential and commercial cleanings. Call ( 516 ) 775 2467, text (516) 515 0124, or visit us at www.coolcleanac.com. for more information regarding your ac/ and Mini Split system.