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Author: coolcleanac

An Easy Way to Maintain Your Mini-Split System

TL;DR: In New York, ductless mini-split systems are increasingly popular for their efficiency and sleek design. Regular maintenance, including filter cleaning and professional check-ups, ensures optimal performance and energy efficiency. Basic care, outdoor unit maintenance, and troubleshooting common issues are vital. Prepare for summer by clearing outdoor units and checking filters, and winter readiness involves protecting outdoor units and scheduling professional inspections. Cool Clean AC specializes in mini-split systems, offering expert maintenance for year-round comfort. Contact us today for reliable service!


You might find it interesting that a whopping 88% of all New York housing units feature air conditioning of some type. Among the various options, ductless mini-split systems are quickly gaining popularity. This increase in use is thanks to their sleek design and the ability to cool and heat. It’s also because of how manageable they are when it comes to upkeep.

Regular maintenance can improve the system’s efficiency and cut down on your energy bills. By staying on top of simple tasks, like cleaning filters and scheduling professional check-ups, your mini-split system will work well when you need it most.

That said, let’s learn more about the ABCs of mini-split maintenance and see how to keep your system running smoothly. 

Understanding Your Mini Split System

When you have a mini-split system in your home, you’re looking at a dynamic way to control the temperature in separate spaces. These systems have an outdoor unit and one or several indoor units. You can cool or heat specific parts of your home without affecting the entire space. There are two types of mini-splits:

  • Single-Zone System. It has one outdoor unit linked to one indoor unit, perfect for targeting a single area like your home office or bedroom.

  • Multi-Zone System. It has one outdoor unit to multiple indoor units, which means you can control the climate in several rooms separately.

A is For Assessing Your System’s Needs

To keep your mini-split system running smoothly, perform a monthly visual inspection of the indoor and outdoor units. You’re looking for signs that something might be amiss. Dirt buildup is a common culprit, suffocating your system’s efficiency.

Obstructions, like leaves or debris around the outdoor unit or furniture blocking the indoor unit, can severely impact performance. Also, look for signs of wear and tear, like cracks, leaks, or unusual noises that should set off your alarm bells. These checks don’t require any special tools, just your attention to detail.

Professional Assessment

While your inspections are valuable, nothing beats an annual professional assessment. A certified technician brings insight and expertise far beyond a simple visual check. During a maintenance visit, the technician will:

  • Check Refrigerant Levels. Low levels put extra strain on the unit, leading to increased energy bills and potentially shortening the lifespan of your unit.
  • Tighten Electrical Connections. Loose or damaged connections can pose a safety risk and affect the overall performance of your mini-split system.
  • Assessing System Performance. They can identify and fix potential issues, keeping your mini-split running smoothly.

B is For Basic Cleaning and Care

Dirt, dust, and other airborne particles can gather in the filters, leading to bad air quality and inefficiencies. Some research shows that having a mini-split can result in 45% less energy usage, but only if it’s working efficiently.  Regular cleaning keeps the mini-split operating at its best, not using unnecessary energy.

Basic AC maintenance includes cleaning the air filters every month. Remove the filters gently and rinse them under lukewarm water. You might need a mild detergent to remove tough grime. Let them air dry completely before snapping them back in, as wet filters can lead to mold and mildew growth inside your unit.

Clean the exterior unit with a microfiber cloth to remove dust. Ensure nothing is blocking the airflow around your unit; furniture, curtains, or other household items should be at least a few feet away.

Maintaining the Outdoor Unit

Like the indoor unit, the outdoor unit can suffer from debris build-up, which hinders its performance. Make sure to remove leaves, twigs, and any other debris that could restrict airflow or get sucked into the unit

You also want to clean the unit’s exterior by gently wiping down the surface or using a low-pressure hose to wash away dirt. However, be careful not to bend the fins on the coil. The fins are delicate and can get bent easily, which impedes airflow and reduces the system’s efficiency. If you find bent fins, you can straighten them with a fin comb or call a professional if the damage seems extensive.

C is For Common Issues and Troubleshooting

You can handle many common issues your mini-split system might throw at you, but be careful. While a hands-on approach can save time, knowing when a problem is out of your league is equally important. It’s all about balancing DIY and professional intervention to keep your system running smoothly without causing more harm than good.

Recognizing Signs of Trouble

Always look for signs that your mini-split isn’t quite right. Unusual noises, strange smells, or a drop in performance are your system’s way of crying out for help. These symptoms can range from minor issues, like a clogged filter, to more severe problems that require expert attention.

For example, if your mini split starts making rattling sounds, it could be something as simple as a loose panel, which you can tighten. However, if you notice a burning smell coming from the unit, it’s time to call the pros.

Troubleshooting Tips

If your mini-split is on the fritz, try resetting the system first. This can often resolve minor glitches and involves turning your unit off and on again. Next, check for the obvious culprits. Another common issue can be a tripped circuit breaker. That is easy to fix by simply flipping the switch back.

Another frequent issue is dirty filters. Cleaning or replacing filters is a simple task that can impact the efficiency of the mini-split. These initial steps can fix a surprising number of issues, but if they don’t do the trick, it might be time to call an expert AC repairman.

Preparing for Summer

During summer, your mini-split system must be in top shape to keep your home cool. You want your system running smoothly without skyrocketing your energy bills. Your summer prep should include:

  • Checking the air filters and cleaning or replacing them if they’re dirty. 
  • Clearing the outdoor unit of leaves, dirt, or other debris that might block airflow.
  • Check the coolant levels because low levels can significantly decrease efficiency. You shouldn’t do this yourself, and a professional can help.
  • Test your mini-split before the heat sets in. You don’t want to discover it’s not working on the first hot day.

Getting Ready for Winter

Winter demands a different kind of preparation for your mini-split. A system that’s ready for cold weather can heat your home and keep you warm without issue. The steps you need to take before winter are:

  • Protect the outdoor unit from ice and snow. Consider installing a cover or shelter that allows airflow but keeps the unit clear of winter’s harsh elements.
  • Check that the system switches to heating mode and the vents are unobstructed.
  • Inspect the outdoor unit for any damage or wear that affects its efficiency.
  • Schedule a professional inspection to adjust any settings for optimal winter performance.

Keep Your Mini-Split In Good Shape

From replacing the filters to clearing the outdoor unit remains and scheduling professional check-ups, this is what it takes to keep your system running smoothly. The ABCs of mini-split maintenance don’t just prevent unexpected breakdowns. They improve its efficiency and extend its life.

The experts at Cool Clean AC in New York can help you with your AC maintenance needs. We are the first AC company that specializes in mini-split systems. We know how to clean, repair, and maintain them so they don’t fail when our customers need them the most. We’ll sanitize your units thoroughly and ensure no bacteria or foul smell is circulating in your place.

If you want to be cool in the summer and warm in the winter, call us today, and let us take care of your system!

How Regular Maintenance Extends the Lifespan of Your Mini-Split

TL;DR: In many parts of the US, air conditioning is essential, with mini-split systems becoming increasingly popular due to their efficiency. Regular maintenance is crucial to avoid decreased efficiency, reduced performance, and air quality issues. DIY tasks include cleaning filters and removing debris, while professionals should handle complex issues like refrigerant levels and electrical problems. Cool Clean AC in New York offers expert maintenance services to keep your mini-split running smoothly and your home comfortable.


Let’s face it – keeping cool is more than a luxury in many parts of the US – it’s a necessity. It’s no wonder most US homes have some form of air-conditioning installed to combat those sweltering days. According to the latest US census data, over 7 million New York housing units have air-conditioning systems.

While several types of air conditioners are available on the market, the mini-split system is quickly gaining ground thanks to its efficiency and versatility. But, just like any other appliance that sees daily use, the mini-split system requires consistent upkeep to function at its best. Ignoring regular maintenance can lead to performance drops, and before you know it, you’re sweating buckets wondering why.

In this article, we’ll cover how regular maintenance extends the lifespan of your mini-split. We’ll walk you through the ins and outs of keeping your mini-split in top-notch condition, ensuring it keeps you cool or warm for many seasons.

The Impact of Neglecting Your Mini-Split

When you overlook the upkeep of your mini-split system, you’re essentially setting yourself up for a host of problems that can hit your comfort and wallet pretty hard. Regular maintenance might seem like a chore or an unnecessary expense. In reality, it’s nothing compared to the problems you’ll face if you don’t do it. The most common issues homeowners can face include:

  • Decreased efficiency: When you skip regular maintenance, your mini-split has to work overtime to cool or heat your space. On average, 52% of all energy consumption is done by heating and air-conditioning units in your home. When the AC is trying to compensate for a failing part, it uses more energy than it should. You might not notice this inefficiency immediately, but your increasing utility bills will be a big hint. They start going up, meaning you’re paying more for less comfort.
  • Reduced performance: Neglect can lead to your mini-split struggling to maintain consistent temperatures throughout your space. That means one room ends up being a sauna, while the other is more like a fridge. It’s not exactly the environment that makes you or anyone else comfortable. Then, there’s the air quality issue. A well-maintained mini-split does a decent job of filtering out dust, allergens, and other airborne particulates. But when you let maintenance slide, the filters get clogged, and your system can start circulating dirty air.

Key Maintenance Steps for Your Mini-Split

Regular maintenance of your mini-split system is simpler than you think. As a homeowner, there are several steps you should consistently take to care for your mini-split so it can provide the comfort you need year-round.

  • Cleaning the filters: Filters should be cleaned every four to six weeks. A dirty filter can significantly impede your system’s performance. Dust and debris accumulation forces the mini-split to work harder, reducing efficiency and slowly damaging the system. Regularly cleaning the filters allows air to flow freely, maintaining your home’s air quality and keeping energy consumption in check.
  • Check refrigerant levels: Low refrigerant levels usually result in reduced cooling or heating capabilities or the system taking longer than usual to reach the desired temperature. These symptoms indicate it’s time to call a professional, as low refrigerant levels can affect your system’s performance and even cause premature failure.
  • Inspect the condensate drain: You want to ensure the condensate drain is free of blockages and leaks so you can prevent water damage and mold growth. That might seem minor, but a clogged condensate drain can lead to water backing up and potentially damaging your system or home.
  • Professional maintenance checks: This step can help you catch issues you can’t see or diagnose yourself. During a professional maintenance visit, the technician will thoroughly inspect the system, clean components that are difficult to reach, check electrical connections, and ensure the refrigerant level is optimal. They will take care of minor issues before they cause significant damage.

DIY Maintenance Tips

While you should leave the poking on the inside of your mini-split system to the experts, there are a few simple maintenance tasks you can do on your own. One of the first steps in maintaining your mini-split system involves a simple cleaning routine.

Cleaning The Exterior and Interior Units

The exterior and interior units of the mini-split can accumulate dust, dirt, and other debris that can affect its efficiency. Remove any leaves, twigs, or other debris blocking the vents of the outdoor unit. A soft brush or a gentle blast from a garden hose can do the trick. Just be gentle with the fins on the coil so that they do not end up damaged. 

Inside your home, the interior unit needs attention too. Most mini-split systems have easily removable filters that you can clean with mild detergent and water. Then, leave them to dry before putting them back in place. Regularly clean the AC unit so no dust gets blown around when turned on. 

Removing Obstructions

Sometimes, the issue isn’t with the system but what’s around it. Make sure the area around both the interior and exterior units is clear. Furniture, curtains, or any decorative items should be a few feet away from the interior unit to avoid blocking the airflow. Similarly, the outdoor unit should have a clear space around it for optimal performance.

Ensuring proper airflow

You need to check the indoor and outdoor units for any signs of airflow restriction. If your system isn’t cooling or heating as effectively as it should, the issue might be as simple as a blocked vent or a dirty filter. Adjusting the position of your interior unit’s louvers can improve how air circulates through your space.

When to Call a Professional

When your mini-split system starts acting up, it can be tempting to try and fix it yourself. However, there are certain situations where calling in a professional is necessary. If you start noticing odd noises like grinding, buzzing, or whistling coming from your unit, it’s a sign something’s not right internally. Similarly, unusual smells, like a burning or musty odor, can indicate serious problems that require immediate attention.

Another clear signal you need expert help is if your system isn’t heating or cooling your space as effectively as it used to. That could be due to many issues, from low refrigerant levels to airflow problems. Without the right tools or knowledge, you’re unlikely to solve the issue yourself.

Electrical problems are another area that requires a professional touch. If your system frequently trips the circuit breaker or doesn’t turn on, it’s time to call in the experts. Tinkering with electrical components without proper training can be dangerous and might even void your warranty.

Find An HVAC Specialist in New York

Regular maintenance keeps your mini-split system running smoothly and helps it last as long as possible. By keeping on top of things like cleaning the filters, checking the refrigerant levels, and ensuring the outdoor unit is free from debris, you’re improving the efficiency of your system and preventing minor issues from snowballing into big problems.

You can do many routine maintenance tasks yourself, but when it’s time for a thorough inspection, the experts at Cool Clean AC in New York are here to help. We are a veteran-owned company that specializes in cleaning and maintaining mini-split systems. We are licensed and insured, and our technicians will ensure you’re 100% satisfied with their services.

If you want your house to stay cool and clean this summer, contact us today!

What is the average mini split cleaning cost?

When you have a mini split (also known as a ductless air conditioner) system in your home, maintenance is essential. Cleaning is an integral part of this maintenance, ensuring that your system functions efficiently and providing numerous benefits. But, what should you expect to pay for such a cleaning service? In this article, we’ll discuss the average cost and the many benefits associated with mini split cleaning.

The Average Cost of Mini Split Cleaning

The cost of cleaning a mini split system varies based on several factors including the complexity of the system, its size, your location, and the specific needs of your unit. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $300 for professional mini split cleaning. Some services might offer discounts if you schedule regular cleanings or if you have multiple units in your home.

Keep in mind, though, that investing in professional cleaning can save you money in the long run by avoiding more costly repairs or replacements down the road.

Benefits of Mini Split Cleaning

  • Improved Efficiency: A clean system operates more efficiently. Dirt and debris can cause your system to work harder, using more energy and driving up your bills.
  • Extended Lifespan: Regular cleaning can prolong the life of your mini split unit. Dust and debris accumulation can cause parts to wear out faster or malfunction, leading to premature replacements.
  • Better Air Quality: Clean systems provide better air quality in your home. They help reduce allergens, mold spores, and other contaminants, ensuring the air you breathe is healthier.
  • Lower Energy Bills: An efficient system doesn’t just mean better cooling or heating; it also translates to reduced energy consumption and thus lower monthly bills.
  • Avoid Costly Repairs: Regular cleaning helps in identifying potential problems early on. This means you can address minor issues before they turn into major (and expensive) problems.
  • Consistent Comfort: A well-maintained mini split provides consistent temperature control, ensuring your home remains comfortable year-round.
  • Reduced Noise: A dirty or clogged system can create additional noise. Cleaning reduces this noise, ensuring quiet operation.
  • Enhanced System Performance: Regular cleaning ensures that all parts of your system are working in harmony. This not only leads to increased efficiency but also ensures optimal cooling and heating.
  • Preserving Warranty: Some manufacturers might require regular maintenance as part of their warranty terms. By ensuring your system is cleaned regularly, you can remain compliant with these terms.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your system is clean and working efficiently provides peace of mind. You can be confident in its performance, even during extreme weather conditions.

Key Takeaways

While there’s an associated cost with mini split cleaning, the long-term benefits far outweigh the investment. Regular cleaning not only ensures your system works optimally but also provides a healthier living environment and can save you money in the long run. Consider scheduling a cleaning service today to take advantage of these benefits.

Does my Ductless Mini-split need to be cleaned??!!

As Ductless Mini-Split systems continue to grow in popularity all throughout the United States and elsewhere, it’s important to understand what is required to maintain the optimal performance of your system. These systems are versatile, efficient and provide a great alternative to traditional forms of air conditioning and heating. You may have had your system installed a few years ago and were told that the system is “maintenance free”, besides simply cleaning the removable filters, but this has proven to be very untrue!

Ductless Mini-Splits have a filter system that allows a high airflow that helps allow for the system to be efficient but those filters also allow for a lot of particles to travel into the evaporator coil and to collect on it and the barrel fan inside the unit. In addition, the units drain pans also allow for standing moisture which contributes to mold growth inside the unit, specifically on that pesky barrel fan! When the units become dirty you may notice that the fan does not move air as well as it use to and the unit may not cool as well. You may even notice moisture spitting from the unit or a terrible “smelly sock” odor emitting from the system. This is why it is important to assure that you have a professional with proper equipment clean your system regularly. Did you know that a clean ductless system can be up to 35% more energy efficient than a dirty one?

Cool Clean Services is New York’s Premier ductless mini-split cleaner! This is all we do and we do it well! We have the specific professional and proper tools to clean your system and have it looking and running like new in a matter of no time! We come to your home with one thing on our mind; customer satisfaction! We show up on time, protect your home from any water and non toxic chemicals and then perform our premier cleaning while you sit back and relax knowing that your system is clean and operating at its peak performance by the time we leave! You will not believe the crud that will come out of your ductless system. We can do all of this better, and at a fraction of the price of the other guys because we are efficient and we have the tools to do it right!

Do you know what’s in your ductless mini-split system? Call us today and we’ll show you!

-Don’t forget to check out our Gallery to see our process and the results of a cool cleaning!

I thought these were maintenance free?!

The most common statement we hear from customers on the jobsite is “I thought these things were maintenance free”. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. It’s true, most HVAC companies when installing these systems will simply tell the customer that the only maintenance that needs to be done is a simple cleaning of the filters. The reality is that these systems do not use fine filter systems and continually re-circulate the air in your home. This combined with the moisture from the condensate of the system, drain pan and any other moisture in the air, is a recipe for a dirty, moldy and possibly smelly mini-split.

This is where Cool Clean Services comes to save the day. We are NY’s first and only company that solely focuses on cleaning and hygiene of ductless mini-splits. We have the experience and professional tools to do the job safely and effectively. This is not a do it yourself task for the average homeowner to take on over the weekend. Appropriate tools and knowledge are needed to protect your home and mini-split from damage.

If your system has buildup, odor, or just doesn’t cool as well, call us today! 516-515-0124

The Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality on Your Family

We are all aware of the pollution in the outdoor air and its impacts on our bodies. We hear about it on the news and can read about it on our phones. Still, have you ever wondered about the air quality inside your own home? We consider our homes to be safe places. It is where we can come back to kick off our shoes and let go of a stressful day. What if I told you that the quality of the air you are breathing in could be less than ideal for you and your family? Our air conditioners keep us cool during the sweltering summer months but increase the number of pollutants in our homes if not appropriately maintained.

What Causes an Air Conditioning System to Release Pollutants?

We will discuss the multitude of reasons an a/c unit can cause a decrease in indoor air quality. Running an air conditioner year after year without the proper maintenance will lead to a build-up of biological toxins. An air conditioning unit holds a significant amount of moisture inside. This moisture can lead to a harmful amount of mold.

When long-term mold exposure occurs, many will experience unpleasant symptoms. [1]

  • Irritation to the eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs.
  • Asthma/trouble breathing
  • Allergy responses (runny nose, watery eyes, fever-like symptoms, etc.).
  • Chest pains
  • Nausea

Another way your air-conditioning or Mini-Split system can decrease the air quality in your home is rodents and other pests. These tiny creatures create homes in and around the a/c units. Rodents and insects leave their droppings in the pathway of the circulating air running the risk of bacteria floating around in your home.

Other pollutants include pollen and dust that accumulate in your a/c systems throughout the year. Pollen and dust can cause amplified allergies throughout the seasons. In addition, recurrent exposure to these pollutants can increase your risk of developing Asthma. The CDC states, “asthma is a chronic disease of the airways that causes recurrent and distressing episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing” [2].

Identifying whether or not you’re a/c unit needs cleaning is sometimes tricky. It is always a safe bet that you require a unit cleaning if

· It has been six months or more since your last cleaning

· There is a funky smell coming from your unit

· You have begun to experience the mild/moderate symptoms listed above

How These Toxins Affect Your Children

Poor indoor quality and environmental irritants can put children at a higher risk of developing illnesses due to their narrow bronchioles. Unfortunately, children are among the largest at-risk groups regarding air quality [3].

An infants’ immune system is not as skilled as an adult’s immune system. Due to a weaker immune response, their bodies have a more challenging time breaking down toxins that make their way into their lungs and bloodstreams. As a result, an infant cannot detoxify and excrete toxins and adults (Tamburlini et al., 2002) [4]. Without the ability to filter out toxins and irritants accumulated in the air, a build-up can occur, leading to preventable life-long illnesses and allergies.

When an a/c unit pushes out low-quality air, children are regularly exposed to poor air quality—especially infants who spend most of their early years indoors. Many parents even run air-conditioners in their little one’s rooms to improve sleep quality. But if the air quality coming from your a/c unit is poor, your child can suffer illness.

I know. This information can feel very scary. The reality of poor indoor air quality effects on children and adults is of an upsetting nature, but that is not to say that it is not preventable. So how can you ensure that you and your family remain healthy and safe all year round?

How to Prevent Poor Air Quality in Your Home

The most efficient way to ensure that your indoor air quality is in a good range is to perform A/C cleaning services. Cleaning you’re a/c unit will clear out the mold, animal waste, pollen, dust, and other microbiological irritants. In addition, a simple cleaning can prevent a harmful blockage in an a/c or Mini Split unit. This straightforward procedure can avoid the suffering of chronic illnesses and heighten discomfort from allergies.

Maintaining an a/c or Mini Split maintenance list is a simple way to prevent air quality issues. The recommended time between cleaning is a maximum of 6 months. Not going more than six months between cleanings ensures that the amount of build-up does not affect the air quality in your home.

Clearing your units of pre-existing build-up and bacteria does not have to be complicated either. With just a phone call, a Mini Split cleaning service can provide you with the services you need.

Best Mini Split Cleaning Service in the NYC Area

Let the professionals take it from here! You do not need to know how to Clean a Mini Split system yourself. Cool Clean Services, “Your Premier Ductless Cleaner,” can offer you excellent cleaning results. Cool Clean Services can clear out air-conditioning units, Mini Split systems and heating pumps.

You can let your worries of pollutants hiding away in your a/c units lay to rest with just a phone call. Cool Clean Services can provide a cleaning quote in the Long Island, Brooklyn, Queens, New York City & New York area.

Cool Clean Services is certified in both residential and commercial cleanings. Call ( 516 ) 775 2467, text (516) 515 0124, or visit us at for more information regarding your ac/ and Mini Split system.

Benefits of Cleaning Your Ductless Mini-Split System

Ductless mini-split systems are a safe and convenient addition to your home. Their compact size provides heating in the winter and cooling in the summer while remaining an energy conscience decision. In addition, these systems offer a tremendous amount of reliability, but it is not entirely maintenance-free as with everything. How can you be sure that your system is running correctly? Well, ductless mini-split cleaning is the only way to ensure that your system runs to its fullest potential. We recommend conducting regular cleanings to maintain a working system.

Benefits of a System Deep Clean

Over time, the high airflow found in ductless mini-split systems causes a build of dirt and dust in the design, hindering its efficiency. Dust, dirt, pollen, and pet hair are a few things that can cause such a buildup. As these particles clog the pumps and coils, the airflow decreases. Over time, the blockage can be too much for the system, and the airflow will cease. Contacting a professional can reduce the risk of injury and damage to the system. Cool Clean is your premier ductless mini-split cleaners in the New York area.

Reduce Costs

A ductless mini-split system’s performance decrease is an initial sign of further damage. Without proper system cleanings, irreversible damage could occur. Let’s face it, calling in a maintenance worker to fix a preventable problem is a massive headache! A yearly cleaning could reduce the chances of having to replace expensive parts. Cool Clean can provide a quote on cleaning in the Long Island, Brooklyn, Queens, New York City & New York area. A cleaning with Cool Clean will ensure that a heat pump cleaning, a/c cleaning, and upkeep in general maintenance occurs.

Reduce the Risk of Health Complications

Many of us suffer from seasonal allergies, which can be agreed is less than exciting. Moreover, these allergies can worsen over time if continuously exposed to the dirt, dust, and pollen accumulated in the a/c and heating pumps. As the air flows out of your system, so do those particles. Further, there can be an increase in asthma and other lung conditions when the air quality drops. These health restrictions are 100% avoidable with just a simple cleaning. Healthy air quality should be at the top of your spring cleaning list!

Who are the Professionals?

Cool Clean is New York’s #1 Ductless mini-split cleaner! Certified in residential and commercial cleanings, Contact Cool Clean for all of your ductless mini-split cleanings. A free quote can be provided to you by calling (516)-775-2467 or texting (516)-515-0124. Also, be sure to visit our website at for more information regarding your ductless mini-split system.